In a machine-directed world, what will be the role of Humans?
If the machine is doing everything for us, are we just spectators of our life? That is precisely what the brand Synius wants to avoid.
Synius is a product for self-driving cars with a human user-centered AI format. With Synius, automatic vehicles are “more natural” due to the influence of humans. The product itself is indeed created by analyzing human behaviors and habits while driving. For this reason, in a high-speed world, in a constantly changing world, Synius would be the solution to preserve the active collaboration between the human and the machine.
People are needed to define and decide the infinite possibilities of everyday life because the world would be viscerally distorted without them. Both humans and technologies are crucial for this brand, working in synergy to shape a better world and future.
Synergy and energy are the two elements that visually have shaped and characterized the paper space, transforming it into a journey. The manifesto that describes Synius is partitioned, disjointed, set free from grammar rules and syntax. Words become images, visual poems, connected by lines and circumferences, nuances and contrasts. The letters became more extensive, smaller; they changed their scale, becoming bridges from one space to another, between one possibility and another.
In this way, opportunities for interpretation can be born, grow, shrink, disappear and even duplicate and multiply. There are different types of travel, with various forms of travel.
There is no destination, just the journey in all its facets, moments of fall and renewal. Everything is a movement of energy, a continuous flow of waves and particles.

People are needed to define and decide the infinite possibilities of everyday life because the world would be viscerally distorted without them. Both humans and technologies are crucial for this brand, working in synergy to shape a better world and future.
Synergy and energy are the two elements that visually have shaped and characterized the paper space, transforming it into a journey. The manifesto that describes Synius is partitioned, disjointed, set free from grammar rules and syntax. Words become images, visual poems, connected by lines and circumferences, nuances and contrasts. The letters became more extensive, smaller; they changed their scale, becoming bridges from one space to another, between one possibility and another.
In this way, opportunities for interpretation can be born, grow, shrink, disappear and even duplicate and multiply. There are different types of travel, with various forms of travel.
There is no destination, just the journey in all its facets, moments of fall and renewal. Everything is a movement of energy, a continuous flow of waves and particles.